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A Word

Ephesians 4:2 Be humble and gentle.  Be patient with each other, making allowance for each other’s faults because of your love.

Let us pray for the ability to humble ourselves, be patient, and demonstrate gentleness. Learn how to set aside pettiness, overlook arrogance, and step over indignation. 

Let us raise these personalities up in prayer and drop them in the Lord's hands.

That he give us tolerance. He tells us that we are to love one another. When he speaks of that love, it isn't a fake love that we should have. He expects us to be sincere and truly care about others.

Our love for one another should be as real and sincere as the love we automatically have for our family. If someone has a flaw, and we all have them, we should pray for that individual. If we can be of help then we should be ready to help. God wants our feelings to be genuine. If they are, we walk in obedience to him.

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